Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009

Flowers of the way to the MPI

Some Flower-Pictures I shot with my blackberry on the way to my internship at the MPI-Martinsried this summer:

Ich dachte immer, das Land mit viel Sonne heißt Portugal, aber der Besitzer vom Obstladen weiß es anscheinend besser:

PORTAKAL, heißt es nun :)


Just walking around...

The Opening

This is how rotation evaporation works:

The fluid is heated in a rotating vessel ander high vacuum. water and components with high vapor pressure are removed from the vessel, then condenced and collected in a different flask.

After a time the solution has much less water, NH4, HCl or other stuff. The next step would be to lyophilize the thick fluid to gain the solid substance.

And this lyophlizing-thing looks something like that: